"The new country lay open before me: there were no fences in those days, and I could choose my own way over the grass." Willa Cather, My Antonia
"From Cather country to the Silicon Prairie, Lincoln has been built with grit and a barn-raising, philanthropic spirit as described in the collection of stories in Tony Goins' Something in the Water: Stories of Lincoln's Iconic Founders and Builders. Keep drinking the water, whether pumped or bottled."
- Barbara Bartle
Lincoln Community Foundation President

"The builders and founders of the prominent Lincoln companies featured in Something in the Water have made an indelible mark on the community that we all love. I know I am not alone in feeling deep gratitude for their contributions to helping make Lincoln one of the best cities in the world to build a company and raise a family. Thank you to my friend Tony Goins for capturing their stories in this important book."
- Leirion Gaylor Baird
Mayor of Lincoln

Photo credit: Laura J. Sweet
"Tony Goins has written and collected the stories and histories of twenty of Lincoln's most successful and prominent families and businesses. Some, like Old Line Banks Life Insurance, were formed in the 1880s by have merged, morphed, and grown to prominence through the years while others are relative newcomers. The stories are more than just the history of the community, but embody the face that all cities that grow and prosper are in fact really about the people and the business they created. All of these 'histories' share that one common ingredient, the people; those who saw a possibility and capitalized on it through the unlimited devotion to what they saw [possible]."
- James L. McKee
Lincoln Historian and author of Visions of Lincoln

"Lincoln is a very entrepreneurial community with many examples of great family businesses. Tony has done an incredible job investigating the histories of these companies, how they’ve reacted to challenges, and brought greater growth and prosperity to the community, as well as themselves. Each is a wonderful example to follow."
- Bud Synhorst
Lincoln Independent Business Association

"Lincoln, Nebraska has long been a great place for creating and growing stable companies of all sizes in various industries. Something in the Water tells the stories of the founders and builders who have paved the way for Lincoln's renaissance. Advances in technology have bolstered Lincoln's prowess in regards to job creation, expansion of current services, and international companies have and continue to find Lincoln as a desirable location for relocation."
- Aaron Davis
Public Speaker and author of
Wisdom from the Man with the Mop

"For years people would tell me that I needed to meet Tony. So much to the point that I became annoyed and thought that there was no way that this dude would live up to the expectations that everyone built up about him. I was wrong. Tony completely exceeded expectations. His ability to connect with and get the best of others shines in this book.
"Something in the Water amplifies what a lot of us know about Lincoln. It's a great place to build a business and raise a family!"
- Paul Jarrett
Bulu Box Co-Founder & CEO

"We are proud of business leaders who work hard to make communities great; and appreciate Tony's commitment to elevating all. Thank you, Tony, for your friendship, and for celebrating the grit, determination and commitment of our regional leaders."
- David Brown
Greater Omaha Chamber President & CEO

"It didn't take Tony Goins long after arriving in Lincoln to determine that our city really is a cut above. The can-do spirit demonstrated by company leaders and their employees has led to a number of progressive initiatives that have improved the quality of life for many of us. As superintendent of schools I am often humbled by the willingness of so many to give back to help our citizens and students experience a high quality of life."
- Dr. Steve Joel
Lincoln Public Schools Superintendent